资料显示,早在2014年3月,小米开始进入印度市场。一年后的发布会上,雷军说出了那句带着湖北口音的“Are you OK?”2017年3月份,雷军还拜访了印度总理莫迪,并且送上了印度生产的小米手机。...
2、“The sharper you are, the better you are" 设记:这个新的品牌形象设计的优点非常突出,很有视觉冲击力,不过有人也会因此担心,会不会在吸引年轻消费者的同时,品牌会失去一些可能原...
承认吧,你只是假装很努力!Are you really trying hard?Your college years, the one time in your life when you can truly appreciate the art of staying up late.大学是你人生中可...
He said,"Wait a minute, boys, you know who I am?" "Of coursewe do, we know who you are!" Then theyblew off his head while he was still in the car Shot downlike a dog in broad daylight Was amatter of timing and the timing was right ...
别忘了,当年在当主持人时,特朗普的口头禅就是:You are fired! 说起来,蒂勒森你也是活该。要知道,当时他去非洲的主要任务,就是对中非关系各种指手画脚。但回国时差还没倒过来呢,就被特朗...
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